
On Demand Delivery App


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About Aquantuo

App provides a trusting local community platform for users (Requesters) to list items that they would want delivered at another location. Other users (Transporters), discover these items and deliver them at the intended destination.

From the laptop that was left behind to the car that you need to move across the country or across ocean, list it and your family from our app will help get it there.

  • Login: Users can login in the app either as Requester or Transporter.
  • List it: Make a request by listing the item you want delivered with as much detail as you possibly can.
  • Item is picked up: Make a request by listing the item you want delivered with as much detail as you possibly can.
  • Item is delivered: The delivery is paid for and the Transporter delivers the item. Both the Transporter and Requester rate each other based on the experience.

Requester App Features:

  • My Requests: User can view all the new, running, and completed requests with respective details.
  • Track Transporters: User can view all the nearby transporters.
  • Prepare Request: Create new request for deliveries.
  • Posts by Transporters: Requester can view the trip posted by the transporter, so that they can send request to respective transporter.
  • Payment:Pay to transporter by credit card, once they complete the delivery.

Transporter App Features:

  • New Requests:View all the new requests around him or requested by requester.
  • My Deliveries: See running and completed deliveries.
  • Post a Trip:Post trip, this will be visible to all nearby requesters.
  • My Trips: Transporter can view/edit their trips.
  • My Area: Transporter can set their delivery area.

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